Sherlock at the Alley
While Sherlock Holmes stories have existed for over 100 years, this tale was written by Katie Forgette in 2008. It is loosely adapted from Sherlock Holmes by Doyle and Gillette (1899) and from the writings of Oscar Wilde and William Shakespeare.

Also, Alley Theatre has a history staging the iconic character, and actor Todd Waite has played him five times!

This play uses a mix of fictional characters alongside people who really existed. While the actions in the play are made up, some moments and lines are inspired by the real-life characters.
Click the images in the galleries below to enlarge them and learn more about each character.
(Costume design and drawings below are by Sara Ryung Clement.)
Who's Who?
Fictional Characters

Real Characters

Real People Mentioned, but Not Seen

It can takes months to prepare for the performances you will see? The Artistic Director picks the season, then designers work with the director to determine themes for the production. Ultimately our staff can take up to six months to construct the set, costumes, lighting, and sound design. Rehearsals can last four weeks. The next step, which usually lasts one to two weeks, is the technical rehearsals - where everything comes together on the stage. Finally, we have previews so the actors can further perfect their performances with a real audience . . . and then . . . (drum roll) opening night!
Here are some renderings by our Set Designer Lawrence E. Moten III, which he created to help the team visualize the set before it was made.