Shakespeare & Elizabethan England
Shakespeare is arguably the best writer who ever lived.
But why?
William Shakespeare is ready for his remix. (Paul Gonzales via LA Times)
Why did they talk like that??
Actually, they didn’t! Did you know?...
The average person in Elizabethan England didn’t walk around spouting poetry.
Shakespeare was a poet who created beautiful words and phrases to make his stories more interesting.
Shakespeare wrote largely in two styles:
Text in its ordinary form, without poetic structure
Activities: Exploring Iambic Pentameter
(Beginner level)
Goal: Increase comprehension of iambic pentameter.
(Beginner level)
Goal: Increase comprehension and understanding of subtext.
(Beginner level)
Goal:Deepen understanding of rhythm and iambic pentameter.
(Moderate to Advanced level)
Goal: Increase students' understanding of iambic pentameter through experimentation.
(Moderate to Advanced level)
Goal: Increase students' understanding of iambic pentameter through experimentation.