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Our topsy turvy play begins with loss.
This play is considered one of Shakespeare's comedies, but it is rooted in serious themes.
For example...

Elizabeth Bunch as Olivia
When we meet OLIVIA she has lost both her father and brother in a short span of time.
Most people can empathize, as grief can be triggered by death or loss in many forms. But how do we move past it?
Deeper Dive
Want to further explore Twelfth Night's theme of loss?
Identity Change
For humans, loss or tragedy can result in fundamental changes in who we are.
But what is identity anyway? What makes

Elizabeth Bunch as Olivia and Kim Blanck as Viola

Todd Waite as Malvolio
in hopes of winning the love of Olivia, pretends to be something he is not. In one of the play's most funny scenes, he appears "CROSS GARTERED IN YELLOW STOCKINGS "
But did Shakespeare have a DEEPER MEANING in writing this?
Activities: Exploring Identity
Goal: Help students consider the many factors that shape who we are as individuals.
Goal: Help students clarify important elements of their identity.
Goal: Help students gain a deeper appreciation for truthful acting while questioning how we define gender.
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