Making Christmas Cool Again
Many Christmas traditions rooted in the Roman celebration of Saturnalia and the German celebration of Yule faced criticism in England during the rule of Oliver Cromwell, a Puritan politician who wanted to “cleanse” the church of pagan traditions. Furthermore, the Industrial Revolution left little time for families
to celebrate the holiday. The joyful
and festive attitude depicted in A
Christmas Carol was uncommon in
1843, but proved instrumental in the
revival of Christmas traditions and
merry-making. Dickens drew some
elements of the holiday from his own
experiences, including the unusually
snowy winters of his childhood,
Christmas’s affiliation with
generosity, and the celebration of
the season for weeks before the 25th.
Dickens, But make it Festive

Victorian Christmas Pudding Recipe
Check out this recipe to see how Mrs. Cratchit would’ve made a popular holiday dessert!